Wine Tips of the Week - Sauvignon Blanc and Reader Feedback
Dean and Lisa Foster
Also "thanks" to other readers Sarah and Rob for their emails welcoming back our newsletter.
Here's a great wine bargain that is widely available in PLCB stores.
We often write about Sauvignon Blanc and for those of you who are already fans of this wonderful wine, we apologize for the reminder that Sauvignon Blanc is a refreshing summer wine that pairs well with a wide variety of food. It is one of the only wines that pairs well with salads, especially vinaigrette dressings. We prefer the style produced most often in Marlborough, New Zealand with its grassy, herbal, and grapefruit aromas and flavors. But, Sancerre and Pouilly-Fumé from Loire Valley (France) and many white Bordeaux are also wonderful. California sauvignon blancs are also excellent (and are usually named fume blanc when they have some oak aging). Buy bottles from several parts of the world and compare!
An easy-to-find and reasonable Sauvignon Blanc is Monkey Bay (Marlborough NZ), now on sale for $9.99, PLCB code 9396. Or, using the PLCB search page, search on sauvignon blanc and scan to your heart's delight. Better yet, just go to a local PLCB store and scan the shelves for New Zealand, California, France, and Australia. New York's Finger Lakes wineries are now producing some excellent Sauvignon Blancs as well (but you cannot find them locally or ship to PA from NY).
Friends found a 2001 Chardonnay from Heron Hill (Finger Lakes) in their cellar and figured it had gone bad. So, they served it to us. Well, it was wonderful. Oaked Chardonnays sometimes cellar well because the oak acts as a preservative. The oak influence also fades leaving a more clean aroma and flavor. Good white Burgundies and Champagnes (traditionally a blend of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir) age well because of the oak (and careful processing by the winemakers). This Chard from Heron Hill aged wonderfully. Don't expect an aged Chard to taste like a new, oaked Chard, but do expect a treat if you find one.
Sauv Blanc predominates in less expensive blends, while Semillon predominates in the more expensive blends. Compare to a straight Sauv Blanc and smell and taste the difference!
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